Is it time to replace your heating and cooling system?

Is it time to replace your heating and cooling system?

If the system is over 10 years old, it is time to put some thought into replacing the system overthrowing money at repair after repair. Before those repairs start to come, we highly recommend that you come up with a number that you would not want to spend on repairing that old system and put it towards the system replacement. Every homeowner's number will be different and the older the unit is and the more repairs you have, that number should get lower and lower. 

For example, let's use a 17-year-old system that is not working and to make the needed repairs the total would be $1100, do you make the repair or just replace the system? To help you answer that question you will need some other information first, is this the first repair the system has had in its 17 years or is this the third repair in the last 4 years? Is this a part that once replaced there could be another part that was also affected and may fail soon? These are great places to start but every system and every homeowner will have different needs and wants, so having one of our trained professionals out to look over the system and ask the correct questions they can help guide you to the decision that works best for each case that way you have all the information to set that "last dollar spent on this system" amount.

In some cases, we even see the homeowner has already had to make repairs multiple times over the last few seasons or last few years and the next "breakdown" is when they are replacing that system that has caused them so many headaches. You also have homeowners that know it has age on it and maybe it has had some minor repairs over the last handful of years, but they do not want to be without heat or air conditioning even for a day or two so they replace it now so they can have that peace of mind that on the hottest and coldest day of the year, when they have family over for the holidays, or when they  go on vacation, the home will always be heated and cooled.

When replacing the system, having that peace of mind is not the only advantage. With that new system you will receive a system warranty, through Gudorf PHCE when we install a new system you will get 10-year parts and LIFETIME labor warranty when we preform the fall and spring maintenance, the system will be energy efficient to help with utility usage as well. 

We try to pass this information along to all of our customers so they will be prepared for whichever route they choose to go, even on service calls with minor repairs and we get the system running again that day but the unit is over 10 years old we like to give the options and information so you have plenty of time and every opportunity to make the decision that works best for you. If you have a system that has had issues or that you know is on the older side, we would love to look it over and answer all your questions and help you choose the path to take or start on.