Spooky Tips & Tricks

Spooky Tips & Tricks 

From Gudorf Plumbing Heating Cooling Electrical 

A fire extinguisher with text

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There are so many things inside your home that you want to keep safe.  Your kids, your pets, yourself, your valuables, even your most memorable things like photos.  Most homeowners don’t think about things like their dryer vent, smoke detectors, and HVAC maintenance. Keep reading if you want to hear some little tips from our experts. 


That dryer that you use every day causes 28% of all home fires. The main cause is due to clog or improperly ran vent.  Our experts recommend having your dryer vent cleaned annually. 


Those noisy little smoke detectors do have use by date and who knew! 59% of house fire related deaths are due to not having a working smoke detector.  Our experts suggest having your smoke detector batteries changed when you have your annual Fall Maintenance inspection with Gudorf’s.  Let our team take that worry away from you and your family! 


Our experts have put together their recommendations for Fire Safety Tips.  Keep reading if you want to learn how you can keep your home in tip-top shape to keep your loved ones safe!  

  •  Install Smoke alarms by each bedroom 

  •  Keep flammable items away from heat sources 

  •  Practice safe cooking in your kitchen  

  •  Use caution with outdoor grills and fire pits 

  • Always have an escape plan and a meeting place for your loved ones to meet outside the home if you need to excavate during a fire. 

Halloween Clipart Images – Browse 289,187 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video  | Adobe StockThese are just our suggestions. Please keep in mind that every 87 seconds there is a house fire response within the 27,142 fire departments listed with the National Fire Department Registry.